Monday, 25 June 2007

No time for trading.

Money has been transferred and I was able to do my first little trading on the Moya - Henman match after some weeks beeing off. At present I have a lot to do at work... but it will end in about some weeks... I hope ;)

As you can see below I have made a little plus of about 4€. It could have been more if I had let run my profits. This is a point that I haven't really checked out yet but my focus on the new system was on risk. It is very enjoyable to see that the risks I take are really low in contrast to the profits that may come.

Even when I am wrong I have the possibility to get out of the trade at even or just a very little loss. I hope that the system will underline that point in the long run!

More trading will come with the Wimbledon event but I am off the computer from thursday to sunday ;(. I will let you know if I was able to trade 'til then.

1 comment:

Jaco said...

Nice start - a profit is a profit. Yes it may have been higher, but it may have been a loss as well. Being impatient is something that will bite all of us, so stick with the lower-risk strategy. Looking forward to see how it works out going forward.